Working Together

Find out how Heritage Europe works with members and partners and supports like-minded organisations in the field of cultural heritage. There are 3 main ways Heritage Europe promotes the interests of historic towns through collaboration. These are:-


Supporting European projects and development of good practice.
Heritage Europe has a track record as a partner in European projects, many of these are highlighted in the Good Practice section of this website.

We are particularly well placed to add value in the project areas of knowledge transfer, exploitation and dissemination given the scale and geographical spread of our member towns, cities and regions. We see our future role supporting projects as a member of consortia either as a partner or contractor, and can help find partner cities for new projects.

Heritage Europe can also help promote your examples of good practice and/or provide independent review as required.


Cooperation at the European level.
Heritage Europe is a founding member of the European Heritage Alliance 3.3 (EHA 3.3). Formed in 2011 the EHA 3.3, coordinated by Europa Nostra, is an informal platform composed of more than 40 European or International networks and organisations active in the wider field of cultural heritage.

The aim of the Alliance is to promote the untapped potential of Europe’s heritage, cultural and natural, immoveable and moveable. Key documents produced by the Alliance include "Towards an EU Strategy for Cultural Heritage" and “Cultural Heritage Counts for Europe”.

For further information on the Alliance and its current activities including the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 (EYCH 2018) click here


Providing expert advice.

Heritage Europe can source expert contributions/speakers to events and conferences and through our Secretariat we can provide expert advice at local, national or European level e.g. Secretary General Brian Smith was a member of the H2020 Expert group on Cultural Heritage and co-author of the report “Getting Cultural Heritage to work for Europe”


If you are interested in working with Heritage Europe in any of the above ways contact Heritage Europe direct  via email to